RECALL: Urgent – Lyons Magnus Frozen Shakes Recall – GFS Donee Firms

Lyons Magnus Frozen Shakes Recall Customer Letter


Please review the following recall below, check your inventory for affected products, and take necessary action. Full recall information can be found in the attachment.

Post this recall notice where those accessing your organization can see it (e.g., bulletin board, website, social media).

You can find a list of all the current recalls on our website here:





This is an important product recall notification from Gordon Food Service.


GFS has been notified by our supplier of a recall that may affect you.  Our records indicate that your firm may have received recalled product as a donation from one of the Gordon Food Service (GFS) distribution centers.  This product may have been donated to your firm between the following dates: 3/6/2024 – 2/21/2025


Attached is a letter that has all pertinent information specific to this recall.  Please review the document in its entirety and take immediate action, as appropriate, according to your recall protocols.


Please review your product records and inventory to determine if you have received this recalled product.  If you have further distributed any of this product, then you are responsible to notify all consignees of this recall.


If you are not the most appropriate person to receive this notification, please forward this communication on immediately to the responsible person at your firm.  To ensure that recall notifications are sent to the most appropriate person in the future, please respond to this email with other email addresses that should receive any future recall communications.


Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.